First Steps

I decided to study photography becuase I had studied modeling at an academy named Internacional de Modelos Costa Rica and modeled for a few friends that were photographers home based curriculumns and decided that I loved the art of  photography  and video, and makeup as well as writing and other things like Language Teaching or even writing small language books just for home or personalized language classes.

My real name is Miriam Amita Perchinsky but I created a stage name mIRIam almost says Iris and Amita sounds like Mya. Arco Iris meant rainbow in Spanish, so I thought it would be a beautiful photography name My Arco Iris, my Rainbow.

Christmas, Spring, Fall... all four seasons!




I lived at the beach for a little while and fell in love with nature and needed to study photography too as a fun hobbies to connect with god and love and nature as much as I can. 

Fun Self portrait

More fun photos



Dark Blue:

No Makeup: 

I like making my own highlights at home:

 I have a slightly lopsided ribcage.


Self portraits


Hungry for more knowledge of Love. 

Cell phone pic... somedays you can see the ocean.

Happy leafs, for happy days, with the shape of a smile. 

To share time with my thoughts on a rocking chair. 

"SMILE.. sideways I guess."

"My bed has a red rose and the candle can hardly light the words within my book. But it's still is warming that I have it."

Went a little wild on the editing. LOL. 

"The sun falls behind you and we are grateful for the orange tasteful bliss... of the sunset of course."

Photo retouch. 

Berry picking with my dad Hotel El Cypresal


"I think of myself as an intelligent, sensitive human being with the soul of a clown which always forces me to blow it at the most important moments." Jim Morrison.

"The surface of water is as smooth as a windshield shield where you could whipe of tears of Joy... and hapiness like in your smile"

Flash reflected off of the roof.

Glass silliuette with dark edges on white background. No reflection.

"A small glass of wine to warm my heart with behind myself soft cozy breeze.. comfort and bliss"

"Like the soft color of an inside of an ear of a teddy bear."

Looks like a Hidden fairy house with that effect a little.

"Each flower is like a little cabin for tiny creatures to reside... may they wear lipstik and have purses... and the pollen may polish their faces... like compact powder... or darken their cheekbones in this flower since they are black... to be young again."

"To turn a flame out with water is just as wasteful as wearing white socks in the arizona dessert... I guess. May each hateful thought be vanquished... not forever, possibly for hours like that flame is... to not light again in a very long time. "

"The worker has a semi colored life until coffee break time.. or tea time. But it's partially colored just by his smile."

Urban photography

My rustic church with lovely thoughts that stick with me when I pray to god... love and light and belief is the main income of the watchman... I thought."

"I struggle to fly towards enlightenment as you walk beside me but of course I have color in my life and my wings are the shape of a heart."

"Pinto la mitad de mi carretera con colores que dan régimen y inspiran felicidad"

"Water danced beside me as my thoughts are in a bubble while I am pink with my daily duties... above me unless they are shiny and happy ... I guess "

"I read the sign today."

And out of nowhere out came a tiny creature that walks and accidentally pushed the phone off the hook. Call me, she said as dialing the number of critter five. 5683. The numbers of L O V E.. also what? K O T ..F (closest too caught..fff) Cute right?

With my purse on the floor and my hand on my chest, as I rest, the sun just lights the world above me. "With a row of people waiting to sit in the chair beside me..." I pray and thank love for filtering into my life and thoughts as I get up with happy prayers within it... I guess.

Mens room

"I watch the time go by as I thought of you and read the paper every day."

Profesional Makeup

Painting: I am currently taking a fun professional drawing class to hopefully make these fun cartoons, so far in my painting class it's a good one, my style is smart fun colors hopefully and semi-abstract art: 

Other photos with white hair (I had died it a little darker but it sort of unbleached with the sun 2009):

Creative Writing
(language class)

Corto: Short
Cabello: Hair

Anillo de Plata: Silver

Mano: Hand

Mirar: Look

Ojos celestes: Blue eyes

Camisa: Shirt

Alegres: Happy

Ojos Celestes: Light blue eyes

Camisa: Shirt

Alegres: Happy

Corriendo: Running

Pelota: Ball

Brillante: Bright  

Sky: Cielo

Piel: Skin

Madera: Wood

De: of 

Ancha: Wide

Abierta: Open

Sonrisa: Smile

Dientes: Teeth

Hombre: Man

Amor: Love

Anteojos Cuadrados: Square Glasses

Libro: Book

Pelo: Hair

Gris: Grey

 Colocho: Curly

 Medio: Half

 Largo: Larg

 Lora Gris Africana: African Grey Parrot
Mirada: Look
 Dorado: Gold
 Verdoso: Greenish
 Pajaros: Birds
 Foto: Photo
Ojo Cerrada: Closed eyes
Venado: Deer

Cazando: Hunting 

Book 3

Algodon de Azucar: Cotton Candy
Dulce Sonrisa: Sweet Smile
El: The
Hambre: Hunger
Mirada: Glance
Madre: Mother
Mordisco: Bite
Pequeño: Small
Grande: Big
Cabello: Hair
Oso Peluche: Teddy Bear
Abrazarlo: Hug (him)
Dulces Sueños: Sweet Dreams
Piel Blanco: White Skin

Color: Color

Del: Of (the)

Hueso: Bone

De: Of

Una: a 

Ballena: Whale

Rezar: To pray

Dentista: Dentist

Dientes: Teeth

Book 4

Piel: Skin
Chocolate: Chocolate
Blanco: White
Ojitos: Little eyes
Azules: Blue
Ceremonia de casamiento: Wedding Ceremony
Galleta: Cookie
Jengibre: GInger
Ojos: Eyes
De: of
Lustre: Icing
Labios: Lips
Rojos: Red
Corazon: Heart
Corbata: Tie
Naranja: Orange
Vibrante: Vibrant
Abrazo: Hug
Piernas: Legs
Brazos: Arms
Espalda: Back
Piel: Skin
Caja de Carton: Cardboard box
Mordiscos: Bites
Cosas: Things
Book 5

Café: Brown
Grande: Big
Bola: Ball
Dulce: Sweet
Delicioso: Delicious 
Cerebro: Brain
Inteligente: Inteligent
Hermoso: Beautiful
Por dentro: Inside
Taza de té: Tea cup
Cara: Face
Puro: Pure
Hora de té:Tea time
Fresa: Strawberry
Boca: Mouth
Nariz de Boton: Button nose
Ancla: Ancor
Corazón: Heart
Book 6
Pelo: Hair 
Tetera: Teapot
De: Of
Plata: Silver
Cejas: Eyebrows
Suave: Soft
Miriada: Glance
Ojos: Eyes
Té: Tea cup 
 Sabiduría: Knowledge
Coser: Sew
Cachetes: Checks
Color: Color
Rosa: Pink
Sonrisa: Smile
Flor: Flower
Labios: Lips
Luz: Light
Book 7

Blanco: White
Helado de Vainilla: Vanilla Icecream
Cabello: Hair
Café: BrownChispas de Chocolate: Chocolate ChipsOceano: OceanSuave: SoftAlmohada: PillowDormir: Sleep
Labios: Lips
Alberiquoque: Apricot
Semilla: Seed
El: Him
Corazon: Heart

Dorado: Golden
Pensar: Think
Elegante: Elegant
Candelabro: Candelier
Indomable: Untamable
Rio: River
Vivo: Alive
Labios: Lips
Como: Like
Suave Rosa: Soft Rose
Sombras: Shadows
Obscuras: Dark
Pie: Foot
Piel: Skin
Color: Color
Carbón: Carbon
Vibrante: Vibrant
Esposo: Husband
Enojada: Angry
Feliz: Happy
Triste: Sad
Madres: Mothers

Desorden: Mess
Soy: I am
Corona: Crown
Sonrisa: Smile
Chispa en el ojo: Spark in the eye. 
Popi dulce azul: Sweet blue lollypop
Azucar: Sugar
Casi: Almost
Botas: Boots
Casa: House
Nuestro: Ours
Lejos: Far 
Color: Color 

ENGLISH WRITING AND COPYEDITING (not yet sent to the copyeditor :)  


Once upon a time there was a girl named Jessica. She had hair that was the color of hay although as curly as a horses main after having been braided and left in the sun for a few weeks. Her soul was vibrant and lively, very young... just sixteen. She lived at her grandmoms house with her mother and aunt, her favorite things to do were play at her farm and tea time with her grandmom. One day, at tea time, her grandmom Eileen put on the news where the reporter was talking with a photo of an actress with white died hair and a mole beside her lip with a white lettering beside her photo that read: “Fancy moles”. “Oh no.” Her grandmom said “The whole world was captured by her mole.” “I’d say kidnapped my her mole... since it isn’t natural beauty...” She yelped. Quite offended the grandmom decided to send her to her room, while caressing her recently dyed brown hair and smirking with her smart coffee colored eyes, and took a minute to find a remedy for her disrupt arrogance and bad behavior.

So she called a detective who offered her a doctors advice within a few minutes he had enrolled her into “A few weeks with a special friend, somewhat like an exchange student.”
Was his exact words, as combing his dark brown hair with golden sunstreaks. His almond shape eyes also the color of roasted coffee beans held an equally smart smile to the grandmom. He said “Here, give her this to not fight us off.” So the grandmom offered Jessica a warm cocoa powder milk, -To say sorry. She thought sarcastically and then at her first sip, she felt her full body start shrinking until becoming half the size of the teaspoon left on the table. “Oh my.” Shrieked her grandmom and in bursted the detective to pick her up and put her in a small doll house he had brought without a roof onto the couch to sit. “Be careful.” He said “This is not a roller coaster.”

So he walked right out the house to the river and placed Jessica in a boat, with a large mole there... quite frightened she screamed. “Don't worry dear.” He said. “You’ll be home again in a few days... or weeks.” He grunted sarcastically as pushing deep into the river.

So the detective had to call a few friends, he wanted to test her new level of maturity in the end by watching a supermodel photoshoot. And see if she reacted so her recruited one on the phone, immediately.... He explained the incident of the mole to the doctor and Jessica again and he explained that he knew of one very peculiar model with a diamond shape mole on her arm. “Is she the new model?” Is what he asked… “Do you have a photo, he asked... is it tattooed?” His answer was. “Of course not...” The other man on the phone answered. “Oh, it’s tiny.” He remarked. Ok, I cant even notice she has it when I look at this picture. “Hmm...”
Apon looking at the photo he saw a cheer looking model with very long light brown hair with highlights at the bottom that looked sunbleached the tips, the length was down to her waist. She had round hips similar to the model on TV and she seemed tall with longer limbs. Her eyes blue and multicolored similar to an opal, with dark and light reflecting within them. Her necklace in the photo seemed to be a full non broken shell taken off the beach with a hole drilled in it on a string.

“Ok, I’ll keep this one.” He said. “Fine, great!” Said the doctor. “Her husbands name is Levi Landon, I’ll send her tomorrow morning at 10:00 am.” “Why, thank you very much.” Replied the detective.

So the sun had just finished setting over the river where Jessica was in the boat when the mole finally pulled to shore calling for help. Out came what appeared to be his wife wearing a blue apron. “Just on time for dinner.” She said. “Who is this you have here with you?” “Uhm, Introduce yourself sweety” He ordered her. Quite tired, wondering if that was her servant there or a cook she answered with her name real briefly handing her her backpack of clothes the detective had already prepared for her within the dollhouse and placed carefully in the boat. “Now, now darling, take that yourself.” She said after helping her take it out. “Sewing class is tomorrow.” She said. “We’ll give you the same schedule as the last one that was here.” “You’ll make your own clothes.” Here “I’ll take you to your room.”

The moles house was very simple and had three simple bedrooms. The living room had a dark blue barbi couch and her room was well decorated with a vase with one Red Penta Flower beside the bed which held a light blue flowered bedspread on it but the size of the bed only fit one and a half flowers actually on the print.

There was an ant on a leash in the corner of the room. “Oh my.” Jessica screamed. “Does it bite?” “Oh, don’t worry, we’ve tamed him.” Replied the moles wife. “Here look.” The moles wife said as having her cut a flower stem with her clippers which she immediately placed back in the vase.

“Change if you wish and wash up... dinner will be ready in a about twenty minutes.”

OK, Jessica said still a little uncomfortable with the aunt in her room. I will.

She quickly changed into a long green dress that was only a little tight in the waist so she but eventually got fitted into. Beside the ant there were seemed to be freshly cut rags, neatly folded cut out of possibly out a piece of a large yellow towel. Jessica carefully went and grabbed one and ran to the restroom to find a sink, where it was actually instead of made of cement just lied what seemed to be a large bowl carved out of a macadamia shell and a leaf on could pull downwards to let fresh water flow off of into the bowl as the faucette. Behind the leaf there seemed to be a large tub of river water, to plug it back up she had to tie a small rope around the leaf. For hot water there was warm stones underneath the bowl so she filled it and left it for a minute to warm the water. Noticing the rest of the bathroom, there was no shower... it seemed one had to bathe completely through this bowl in the shower place, refilling and heating it over and over again. But there was a well installed toilet that seemed to flush perfectly.

“Hmm, it seemed to warm the water quite nicely she thought as bathing.”
The hot water on her face comforted her and made her feel much better.
“It’s dinner time.” Said the moles wife. So she went to eat a little reluctantly.

The table was a simple wood one with a white polka dot table cloth made out of a mansize cloth napkin, it appeared. The moles wife served each one a full steaming cooked kernel, inside it was already mashed up with a tiny bit of gravy on top. Similar to mashed potatoes and one third of a steamed mushroom slice on each plate and freshly squeezed berry juice from one full berry that the mole had brought.

The next morning at 10 am the detective Tom opened the door of his studio to welcome the lovely model Mya into his office... With her he had ordered his predesigned props to make her the pretend to be the size of a thumb in his studio though but in last minute changed his mind... “How about letting her meet his friends the rats?.” He thought.

“Hello dear.” He said. “How are you?” “I’m feeling rather great today. And yourself?” She answered in a semi nervous tone not knowing if it was a casting or a “Sure gig.” So to say it. “I’m really good.” He said, taking off her dress length golden yellow trench coat to reveal underneath a golden thread dress. “Here, have some tea.” He said upon entering.. “How about cinnamon? ...Oh well actually first could you sign a contract I have here? First I need your permit and written oath that my product with you ... will indeed, include rats.” “Oh.” She said as giggling. Thinking it was possibly sarcasm.” “I need you to take a small pill.” He said. Just once. I have a doctors permit.” He ended smiling. “What type of pill?” She answered. “It’s a pill that clarifies and helps you in your photoshoots with the rats”. “Here I’ll crush it and put it in your tea.” He ended. Still a little curious she half happily half worried she signed the document. The tea kettle started making a soft whistle noise and we went to prepare her a mug. “Is cinnamon fine?” “Sure, thank you... with a dab of honey please, and do you offer milk too?”. ”Sure.” He said “Of course... Want a dab of coffee to make is a late smoothie too?” He asked teasingly. “Oh.” She smiled (understanding the sarcasm) “Of course not.” So he handed her the tea and she drank it, after mixing a full spoon delicious looking amber colored honey.  As she drank her few first gulps her body started shrinking all the way to being the size of Detective Tom’s wedding ring finger. “Is that small enough?” He thought.. “Or should I give her more?” Mya’s golden dress was made of real gold coated thread for which gold doesn’t shrink so looking down at herself she saw herself wearing only a pearl and brown leopard colored slip and red glass coated high heels, in a rush she felt down her leg to undo the strap that tied her heels to her ankle, to take them off and run somewhere barefoot and as she did this out of nowhere came a HUGE rat, with a nurse’s outfit on. She’s terrified of rats but calmed down when he asked her to follow him a little, noting that he could talk... like herself. She looked up to see Detective Tom looking at her with a magnifying glass. “I’m trying to read your lips.” He stated. “Go ahead and climb in here.” “I’ll take you to the photoshoot now.” Offering here what seemed to be a maze with a synthetic wall covered in vines. “Oh, OK.” She answered, overwhelmed. Upon entering she sat down trembling still off the commotion on little couch tied to the wall at the entrance of the maze. “Yes, it’s sturdy.” He said. So as he lifted Mya and the rat up, her heel fell off and out of the maze. But she had no way of retrieving it and shrieked a little but gave up upon the noise of his footsteps blocking her voice. “Oh well, I’ll find it when we get back.” She thought to herself.

Back at the moles house, Jessica, after breakfast after brushing her teeth with a miniature toothbrush made out of plasticated disinfected mole hair made in the moles personal factory in town, was summoned to a sewing class with the moles wife. When she arrived there was a new friend there, he had dreadlocks and dark eyes with a dark tanned skin, “Hello.” He said. “My name is Rhylee.” “Hello.” She answered, noticing his strong looking arms as he folded a cloth... she assumed it was for the sewing class. “We could go swimming after this.” He said. “Here I brought you a bathing suit I made the other day.” He added as taking out a white fancy one piece white bikini with cloth that appeared would cover only half of her belly, out of the cloth sack with a green tie on top he was holding. “Here’s a design to make a dress.” He said. “You have to finish it by the time you go home.” Finally a little excited she grabbed the bathing suit but was immediately scolded by the moles wife to sit down and listen to what she had to do. “We’ll die your dress in the end, after finishing sewing this pattern.” She said. “OK Great.” Jessica answered reluctantly.

So upon arrival to the beach area Mya had fallen asleep. She woke up with two more rats staring at her and laughing, pulling up her dress. “Look, she’s burnt a little.” Said one of the rats. “Oh my.” Said Mya a little startled still by rats talking to her. Do you have any sunscreen and aloe vera lotion.” “No.” The rat laughed. “We’ll have to wait for the detective to get back.” “Here’s a hat until after we get your outfits together, but I have some suntan lotion... go get a better suntan.”
“Thank you.” Mya said smiling as gracefully standing up to walk out of the maze.

        So detective said the rat into a microphone well installed into a speaker. “Take out your mobile internet device, I’ll send you a link to choose her bikini... I’ll let her look at it too.” Upon opening his device and following the link, the rat yelled. “Once you open it I’ll name them in order top to bottom, left to right.” “Disco, Newspaper, Lingerie, Water ... and the main one Earth likes folding.” “It’s created with sarcasm.” We have a rainbow one we already chose for her too and hand made dress on the way for tomorrow.” He stated.

Mya asked to get to wear the bikini labeled “Water” and the detective said yes to that, so the first day was a full bikini photoshoot on the beach. “Nice necklace.” Stated the rat, here I’ll carve you some pearl earrings too. “Thank you.” said Mya. “Go ahead.” He said. “Put on your bikini.” “We’ll do this one without the earrings.” He said. Handing her what seemed to be the Rainbow bikini. So the rest of the afternoon was spent taking lovely photos of Mya close to the ocean right past the last tiny ripple of the tide on the shore.
“Excuse me.” Detective Tom said... “I made you a sculpture of yourself out of transparent candy with the professional, “Here.” he said. “I’ll leave it here.” He put in in his hand for her to go over and look at it before setting it down on a cloth.” “I’m just going to make a hand made lagoon with these small stones for the next photo session.”
Next the rat brought an earth colored two piece bikini with boyshort bottom and polka dot beltish part on top of the shorts as well as a triangular piece with three polka dots beside the straps and asked her to model closer to the ripple and this sounded a little dangerous to Mya in case the waves fell farther up the tide but she still smiled and pleasantly obeyed. “Here.” He stated. “In case there is a wave, tie this rope to your leg.” Noting her worried glance. But it seems pretty safe to me. He put on some music of Rock and Roll in the background. The speakers were so large that the wind that came out blew her hair. She quietly modeled hoping the music could be turned down, just tiny bit.

And last but not least to end the day he took out the Water bikini. “It looks quite lovely on you.” He said. “Oh thank you.” She giggled. “Here stand in the handmade lagoon.” “We’ll end the day at that.” “We’re spending the night here though... the detective brought a doll house and a tent for himself to sleep.” “We’ll invite your husband too. What’s his name again? Leonard?” “Oh.” She answered. “No his name is Levi, Levi Landon.” “Great.” He replied. “The detective invited him to the photoshoot he’ll take him for a cup of coffee, he ordered a doctors permit to show him.” She blushed and got quite excited.

Meanwhile at the mole's house, Jessica, the moles wife and Rhylee had successfully finished a full sewing session where Jessica had actually successfully sewn a full dress as well as the other two, although her dress was on a white fabric when Rhylee had used a pre-dyed red dress. He had described it as “Candy Cane Fabric.” That he had “Died with his own bear hands.” And the moles wife had a multicolored fabric that she claims had taken months to carefully die with perfect strait multicolored lines out of different boxes of crybabies. So today uhm the mole brought us a strawberry and blackberry bubble gum, we can take the and out to separate the die from the sugar, a little salt shall set the color to not wash out.” She said as Jessica finished. Let’s go out and take a quick swimming break as the ant works. That sounded relieving to her to go swimming after looking at the large ant walked outside on his leash too.

So right after sunset over the ocean Mya was feeling a little worried about it falling dark without her husband and Detective Tom arriving yet, so she went to ask the rats if there was any new news about them. “Well.” The rats sarcastic answer was. “Well the doll house phone doesn't work... but I know he’s on his way, he sent me a text on my beeper.” “Accidently he sipped before signing the contract, I had his coffee waiting while he arrived, I’ll need your help on getting his signature and scanning it to make it larger, but it worked quite well in the end  we’ll be there in 5.” “But that was 10 minutes ago.” The rat ended. “Oh look, I think I see a flashlight.” He said pointing up the beach. “Great.” She smiled. “I’ll wait inside.” “Good we’re making a small bonfire with some grass and sticks he brought.” “Here.” Said Detective Tom upon arrival carefully setting down a green board that appeared to be a toy soccer field, with yellow seats in the back with Mr. Landon in it with what appeared to be a seatbelt on. “Hello.” Mya said, helping him out of his seatbelt and immediately asked for a wet wash rag to freshen him since his usually handsome smug smile was flat, looking nauseas with a greenish seasick temporal color (similar to the soccer field) on his face normally carmel color tanned face, his soft blue eyes the color of a Lazuli Bunting were looking down at the floor and there was sweat in his short blonde fall leafed hair. “I’ll help.” Replied Detective Tom, taking a rag between his two fingernails out of the dollhouse and heading to the ocean with his flashlight. “Thank you.” Said Mya upon his return. The rats took him inside where he could lie down and  finish signing the contract for the Detective.

The rest of the night Mya spent giggling white Levi, they hung out close the the bonfire, he showed her his ripped pocket where his golden locket at popped out upon not shrinking and she giggled and talked about her dress. She had now put on a brown velvety cloth mid length dress that was in the dollhouse with a cowboyish cut in the bottom and he still had his white hawaiian shirt on that was ripped “To show off a little what had happened.” The detective had them on the speaker talking into a small lavalier microphone clipped onto their shirts. And explained that he had immediately retrieved it and was going to borrow it for a few days. It had a couple photo of Mya and Levi hugging inside of it. Mya was wearing a dark blue floral shirt exotic yellow and purple flowers on it and he was wearing a red and blue hawaiian t-shirt to match. So they giggled together and went swimming in the dark. As walking on the sand there was what seemed to be a glow in the dark algae that would move with her footsteps and as Levi jumped it greated burts of glow in the dark lines bigger than their bodies so they played in it for a while before swimming. And they went to bed late at night as Levi broke the candy statue of her, after a small photoshoot with flashlights in the background that made what appeared to be huge professional studio lights, he broke it into pieces to share it, since she didn't eat it, she explained “It was way too big for her to eat all alone.” And went to bed after a late night clam dish. Each Clam meat was almost the size of their head, it was a delicacy.

So early in the morning the rats went in to wake up Maya and Levi, to eat a quick breakfast. They ate chocolate dip on tiny homemade bread freshly baked and the rats thought it would be cute to prepare an egg in the whole for all to share, with Caviar and potatoes on the side. One half off a potato was enough for all of them. Shredded into hash in a tiny shredder made out of what seemed to be a shell with tiny holes drilled in it. “Interesting thing Caviar for breakfast.” Maya thought, but it was a delicious breakfast she ate with one caviar egg but there was plenty enough for at least five each.

In the meanwhile Jessica had finished her dress the day before and was still a little upset that the moles wife snatched it out of her hands before even getting to try it on. But had a full day of language lessons ahead of her. They had each made a dress but in the end the moles wife gave her a light blue one that she had made out of a spearmint candy, that made her feel a little better but she was still complaining and crying that the mole had her heat her own stones to bathe as one of her chores at the house. He explained she’d be going home soon but had to do chores while she was there. By the time she got out the moles wife made her an amazing breakfast that cheered her mood they had two seeds of pomegranate each on four flakes of oatmeal cooked in milk with one full blue berry blended into it. The mole had associates that made blenders for people his size.

So after breakfast the detective sat back down the maze and showed Maya a room, by giving her instructions on how to get there and the correct turns. The first room had a clearing of the vine wall and what seemed to be a small studio with white on a cement colored background where he handed her the blue green and red dress that Jessica had made first. “Here, this one is sort of tie died, we let a student have her first try as one good enough for the official photoshoot. Here’s some new red heels too.” He explained, he left the room while she changed.

After that he took her to a room on a blue couch, Levi had came to watch the photoshoot. She put on the finely made fabric that moles wife had delicately died with multi colors of purple, green and red. “Blow your husband a kiss in this dress.” Said the rat. “Here I’ll have him take the photo, grab his neck too.” He said flirtatiously. Levi took one and the rat took another one with Levi behind him, he felt he was a little awkward at using the camera. “But he did a good job.” Thought the rat.

So Jessica was recruited to stay a few more days at the moles house perfectioning a phrase in Spanish about preferring pearls over diamonds. Someone had brought a locket to her house with a photo of a couple and made her try to translate her jewelry, the mole went to the extent studying her facial reaction when praising her highlights. He had her translate her jewelry and asked her her favorite and she said her diamond earrings, so the mole had her practice talking sentences about pearls. Things that one can even find in nature on the beach, so she spent a week more in class and then FINALLY got to go home.

To take her home they went by land this time since it would be up stream. He had a small remote control Jeep but he had a mini controller that could use in his hand. A friend of his had manufactured it for him. There was a small road that look like two ant trails side by said sort of, but without any ants in their way. Upon arrival the mole offered her a chunk of strawberry and explained that he had already put the powder on it to make her the height of her grandma. Jessica almost forgot that she wasn't her old normal height anymore but got excited and ate it. Up she grew and she felt is as the cloth on her clothes twisted and grew with her body. She got to be with her grandma immediately and she invited her to see a photography exhibition evening party pretending nothing she said was real.

Jessica was a little sad that her friend Rhylee she had met sewing she might not ever see again, he had spent the afternoons practicing Spanish with her but she dressed in an elegant black long evening dress with her hair in a sophisticated new bun style the moles wife had taught her. They arrived right after 8:00 pm, after dining “Wine, beverages and snacks.” Is what the invitation read.  They had eaten a traditional mediterranean pasta with parmesan cheese, Jessica was quite thrilled to get back to normal meals but deep down missed the moles wifes food, a tiny bit still. Upon arrival she noticed in the corner of the room the couple in the locket at the moles house, this stiffened her a little they were laughing and appeared to be leaving. Jessica looked up at the paintings and saw tons of unique photos with over large props on the side of the what now seemed to be the model. A white haired, nicely trimmed guard came close to her “To supervise her reactions to the photos.” “Do you recognize any of this?” He asked her. You could practice spanish, I have a translation here, he continued. The detectives wife came out. She had dark hair the color of walnut wood and dark eyes the color of a wild bunny rabbit and looks sweet and thoughtful too. Jessica noticed the pearls and took out her phrases. She did quite a good job. But when she reached the photo on the wall with the dress she had made, she got upset and yelped. “That’s mine, I made it!” That was misbehaving quite a bit. But as she said it a man approached from behind, to calm her down and grabbed her arm, she felt his strong grip and looked behind to find Rhylee smiling, trying to save the day by saying. “You  made it, I’m so happy to see you again.” (Before she got scolded). So she got to stay, but he enrolled her into more classes (With himself as the teacher) on the spot.

The adventures of Rubi

Luckily In Love

It was 9 am and Rubi was standing in her peach shaded bedroom holding a small round shaped mirror and staring at her reflection. The light reflected through her pink Victorian style curtains that were partially open reflected her face softly, where she stared back at her light brown hair that was slightly sunkissed at the bottom and her blue sapphire colored eyes with green parts as if the light were shining through that stone, her white fingertips pressed her cheeks softly to brighten them and she softly pinched them harder to finally bring much more color to her face. She had met a new man... he had a dark coffee bean colored skin and was the race that we had recently called slaves... a nigger? They had said that her new permits were to talk to talk to that race and hardly mingle but she was confused because he had become her carriage boy and she wanted to go swimming today... she’d be left all alone with him. Deep down she had a slight crush on him if we were allowed to mix by now and she wanted to wear a new modern two piece swimming gear. She was going to lie in the sun noting that it brings out another color to even though everyone in the current time era was constantly using umbrellas to protect the whiteness of their skin. She decided not to be so bold and chose upon and one piece boyshort swimming suit, orange with with a slight red tinge tiger lines, the seamstress had offered her something modern with only one strap riding up the right side but even that seemed too risque for her still.

So Rubi heard the noise of the carriage arriving, possibly, and looked out her window to confirm. When she saw it, she ran down the dark wooden stairs while finishing zipping up her ankle length red and yellow polka dot sundress with partially long ruffle sleeves, she clashed and wore light blue small heeled round tipped with matching color laces that she placed on her freshly washed feet at the bottom of the stairwell. It was bright and sunny outside as she crossed out the large door entrance. “Hello” she said (half giggling, as she stumbled out the door), he didn’t stretch his hand out to help her but helped her up to the maroon colored, velvet, carriage seat.  “Take me to Lake George please.” She said. He smiled at her shyly and started up the horses to take her on the happy 20 minute carriage ride on the sunny road. “Do you like Pudding?” She asked him in the middle of the trip. He coughed real quickly and detoured a little “To get to eat some.” She also asked permission to go into his friend's house ‘real quick’ for water, and came back out sweating a little, -possibly having poured water on his face. She thought. “Let me take you to the Lake now”. He said, in a rougher voice than before, she noted.

The rest of the carriage ride to the lake was really pleasant, and the warm summer breeze was partially clustering her thoughts –Do you think he liked me back? She thought -I was trying to flirt by now, but he sounded almost angry at me with his almost scolding tone. Upon arrival she asked for help down from her carriage and he smiled at her finally, she ran out to the lake content again and tore off her dress and went swimming and also invited him in. “I’m sure your father won’t agree with me doing that.”  He said. So she swam scolded but went to lie in the sun on a fun bright multicolored rainbow towel, hopefully to show him that maybe she wants to look darker, after about 20 minutes he went up noting that she wasn't going back into the lake with an umbrella. “Maybe you might want to continue by protecting her skin.” He said. “Oh can you zip up my back? “ She asked flirtatiously, since she had lowered it. “I’ll help.” He said. He decided to grope her a little and kissed her. He lifted her up and took her to the carriage passionately, reached between her thighs and ripped off her bathing suit. “He started coughing surprised she had let him without screaming yet. “I want to confess that I’m not the man you were trying to flirt with.” He said. “But you are not mad at me yet.” And he took off a face mask to reveal underneath a man with light brown sun kissed hair, the color of butternut white walnut wood and intense light blue toffee colored eyes and lightly tanned skin.

She got confused and yelped a little and the fear of seeing a stranger. By the time her head got to focus she recognized one of her neighbors. “But I don’t remember that we’ve met.” She pretended. “Are you a spy?” “I thought we might look perfect together too.” He answered. As she had heard he had an amazing three story house overlooking the city house with a final view of the lake, but she didn’t remember that much more than that. “He continued groping her until she felt a scolding pain between her thighs and she cried a little. “Oh, I don’t mean to hurt you.” He said. “But since you offered, I need to finish.”  

It was tea time back at Ruby's house. Her mother Joselyne Puel was sitting with her silvery grey hair in a bun and a long sleeved brown dress old fashioned ruffled silk dress. “Finally at rest after an intense day helping dust the house despite this heat.” She stated out loud a little boldly.  Yet her brown eyes softened as she sipped on her small white coffee cup with green tea in it and took out a hand fan as loosening her collar. “Oh.” Answered her neighbor Angela that had joined her for tea time. “I had a marvelous day watering the plants.
So Ruby is so much to be proud of right?” I heard she offered the carriage boy pudding and he spilled today, someone called just with small town gossip.” She said while wavering her hand. “Oh my, her father hasn’t set her up to date anyone, I’m afraid she is becoming a stray cat, entirely lost.” Her mother answered. “Really? Why don’t you send her to London to study the history of your last name? The neighbor Angela continued. You had a british last name right?” (This neighbor was just playing along with another one saying what the other one said to do). “German darling, yet I think it’s from London too”. Joselyn answered. “What a great idea.” She answered. “I’ll talk to her father about it.”   

“So how do you feel?” He asked Rubi before starting the ride home and offering her some water. “What’s your name?” She asked pretending again not to remember it. “Your real name wasn’t Omar like the worker boy right?” “My name is OZ” He answered. “I’ll have to marry you in front of your father.”  She was in a little pain still but and a little in shock still. “Oh really? I’m not old enough I thought.” “You know Omar has a girlfriend.” “Really?” She answered. “I even know her name.” He said. “Sue.” He started acting with gallantry while offering her a purple Sweet Pea Perennial flower he had ran real quick to go pick off the trees beside the carriage. “It doesn't smell that much but.” “I think I asked your mom with the neighbor to let us move to London together. Until you’re old enough. But don’t tell them I’m going with you yet. We’ll elope for a while.” “She giggled as he kissed her and said. “OK, we’ll see, I’ve not heard of such the option of traveling yet.” She stared at him and started absorbing the fact that he was quite handsome too with the light behind him as her put her back in the carriage. “I’ll take you home tonight.” He said.”But we can be together soon, I designed it, since you said yes already.” Her crotch hurt a little on the bumpy ride home and she was quite confused still and on the verge of being excited.

Upon arrival to her house the sun had started setting and she was embarrassed just to arrive after her father and had planned to run in and wash off as quick as possible. She would have to pretend to have her monthly cycle despite the fact she had had it already. He stopped the carriage again for a second pretending to check the wheel and “Something rattling inside the carriage.” “Be sure not to mention me, to your family or any of your friends, just yet. They might notice that you are lying if you look down, but they still have to think that at least I’m still Omar, if you confess you have a crush on me.” “Oh OK.” She answered. “Don’t worry… I won’t tell anyone.” She ran out of the house seeing her father wasn’t there but the maid opened the door for her.” Good evening Miss Rubi. Your mother has requested to talk to you before dinner in the living room.” “Thank you.” She answered, “I’ll be right down.” As she hurried in covering the back of her dress with her hands as running up the stairs. She planned to confess she ate a bucket of cherries if they notice the blood. Sometimes the made would tell her as a child to eat cherries until finally becoming a real lady.

When she arrived to her room there was a suitcase on the bed that seemed to be full and a small paper with something written on top of it. “Dear Rubi, meet me downstairs around 6.30.
Love, Mom.”  - Oh my. She thought. -I wonder what this is. But remembered what the boy had said and partially smiled as carefully setting it back down on her bed.

Rubi quickly bathed a with a wet white rag.  Her whole body and then between her thighs and put on a fresh smelling washable cloth belt, she dressed real quickly in a maroon old fashioned long sleeve velvet dress, with large buttons riding up to the top that started half way and a ruffled skirt that went a little past the beginning of her heel and almost touched the floor, she was just 15 and probably still going to grow a good two or three inches. She brushed her hair that she had washed real quick just with a bucket over the personal bathtub in her room and put half her hair back in a hair tie out of her face, she grabbed the mirror and squeezed her cheeks like always before leaving her room.

“Hello mother.” She said as entering the living room. Her mother had a black soft fan in her hand like earlier in the day and seemed a little upset with the look in her face. “Hello dear.” She said, staring deep into her eyes. “Don’t look away from me and just sit down.” She sat down softly smiling with her head held the highest she could and her back super strait. “I heard some gossip today about an incident with pudding? Did the worker boy spill some putting? Now he is a very nice boy we thought and he’s not in trouble AT ALL.” She said, partially laughing semi sarcastically. “But you dear, the neighbors and me thought you might need a etiquette class so we’re sending you to London… tomorrow actually. Your father booked a plane ride”. “Oh so soon.” She said. If it was to see that man again she was still a little nervous to meet him again, I mean it looked like she had to continue lying to her parents, not that she would've confessed anyway if Omar would of flirted back either but. Her cheeks went rosie bright red and she felt excited and overwhelmed that it was so soon that she was leaving, also noted that she had been scolded so she just hid her emotions by looking at the floor and answered. “Yes Ma'am. For how long?” Quite curious actually. “Oh we haven’t set a return date yet but possibly just a month or two. Come along, join us for dinner, to say our goodbyes tonight.”

Oz was sitting in his room at home, receiving the rest of the gossip with his family. “They say she is leaving tomorrow afternoon.” Confessed his quite young grey honey colored aunt. “Oh really? What a coincidence, I was planning on packing up and leaving too for a few weeks. Or a while… Maybe London too.”
“Why … oh no… you don’t like poor little Rubi trying to date her waterboy then gets her neighbor do you?” “No something else.” He answered as blushing incidentally. “Why wouldn't I marry her if I liked her?” He said. “Oh no.” She laughed. “Mischief girls can’t get away with stuff like that.” “She needs to focus her own story for a while… but OK, if you can catch her heart.” She laughed as patting his head. “Are you really gonna marry her?” She asked noting his serious face. “So soon.” “I’ll talk about it later.” He answered as picking his jacket.

Rubi enjoyed a nice dinner of baked potatoes and tomato soup,
she thought it was an odd mixture of foods, like the occasion.
Everything was happening so fast. Her father sat at the head of the table with his white face quite red and possibly flustered. His blonde hair was short and sweaty and he had big blue eyes that looked like he had cried a little, or they were red from the sun since he had the habit of doing a lot of things outdoors things. He ate really fast in silence and then said goodbye real quickly. “Behave Rubi.” He said. “I bought you a toy rabbit, a teddy bear”. He said as placing it on the table in front of her. Rubi was quite uncomfortable getting up off her chair to hug him and say thank you, feeling a little ashamed of herself despite herself, in front of him. He gave her a chocolate in small a paper bag for dessert and she dropped it and hugged her knees for a little before standing back up, pretending nothing had happened once straightening out.
She gave him a small hug and sat back down to finish her dinner first which he ungrasped from quickly. Her mother was all excited now and full of stories of from when she had been scolded as a child.  She had used some peroxide bleach on her hair to make “so called highlights” and it came out a very bizarre color not blonde yet red! One day she just had to leave her home too. But she giggled in the end on how she was the spoiled one in her family that got away with almost everything.

Rubi woke up at 6:00 am to double check her luggage. She needed a face rag, a towel, a few bathing suits and of course at least one of her best dresses. But she decided to prepare it and fold it to add it to her suitcase right before leaving. Her mother had packed a few light summer dresses and two pair of long bell modern pants, one black and one dark blue with some white light fabric long sleeved shirts and a purple jacket. She was more used to skirts, than pants but the clothes were fine. She rolled up really tiny three of her nicest evening gowns as well and added them to her bag to make sure they fit before hiding them until departure time. Her flight, her mother had explained would be at 1:00 pm, so they would be leaving around noon.
She went out to the garden to pick some grapes from their personal fruit garden. She was going to bring some from her flight. She ran out quick so no one would notice. Omar was standing outside already washing the carriage, she blushed intensely and looked at the floor and ran past him without saying hello. It was a beautiful morning and the grass was wet a little and touched her white pants a little and dirtied them, she should've worn a different color. Her family suspected very little what had happened yesterday. She ate a few grapes on her way back but Owen mischiefly had followed her to hand her something. A small letter. He smiled and looked at the floor while handing it, “Your friend sent this.” He said. “He asked me to find a way to give it to you.”
“Oh, thank you.” She answered, embarrassed a little that he was talking to her. She ran past him and opened it.
“Hi, I found out about your trip. I’ll try to catch the same plane. But we might not get seats beside each other. I’d be wearing a costume anyway.”

At the airport Rubi's mother was weeping a little, and her father just rubbed his eyes a lot. “OK darling, here is some money.”
She said as shoving a purse in her hand. You can have a huge house to live in with tons of friends and your pocket is full of cash.
But be good and learn a lot.

Rubi nervous but with a deep sensation of excitement stepped on the plane. She went to seat sixteen and sat down. Someone else sat down beside her she looked at him but didn’t recognize him he was a thicker man with a hawaiian shirt. In a few minutes after sitting down she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see a man with long hair dark hair and a deep suntan. He smiled and said: “Hi Rubi, it’s me Oz, I thought we could sit in the back together since there are a few open seats.” I can’t kiss you here in case they ID us. But he took off his wig as sitting down and said: “Sorry, I just got out of an acting class.” (He lyed of course). In case anyone that was looking at him noticed. “But what does your passport photo look like?” She asked. “Oh, I just wore it for a few minutes upon entering and then put it back on to show you.” “Oh.” She laughed as he tickled her a little and hugged her. “Oh, but, tell me more about yourself.” She inquired almost having forgot their passionate moment the other day. “I’ll order you some wine.” He said “To relax.” “Wine? I’ve never drunk wine before, my parents could get very mad, when we land we were going directly to the academy right?” “Yes.” He answered. “And then later we’ll elope, after a few weeks of your education, you get to stay in a private room, I’m pretty sure I found out.” And then he kissed her real quick.

Upon arrival Rubi grabbed her luggage and ran out the plane. Excited to see the new country. There were beautiful red carpets phone booths and the houses carriages and also something many modern cars. I talked to the school, maybe you could stay for a little while. Maybe we could pretend to get lost. He said as grabbing her. He asked the new thing called a Taxi, which was quite expensive to take them somewhere else first, a house address that he “had lined up to rent for a while.” I’ll take you to see my house and then take you to school in a little while he said. As soon as they got in he embraced her close to the counter and put his hands all over her back and kissed her and groped her a little. The house was a vintage style house with orange couches. And a white carpet with wall had three bright green framed mirrors on the wall sitting beside each other. He took her to the bed and pulled off her clothes softly. “Wait” She said. “Tell me more about this house? How long are you renting it for?” “Oh, a few months.” “I’m inviting you in a little while!” “You have to stay there, in a few weeks, give me a while to find a way to keep you despite your classes.”
